We are located at 3545 Midway Dr., Suite G (Sports Arena area) San Diego, CA 92110. Off Hwy I-8 & I-5, take Rosecrans, right on Midway across from Home Depot.

San Diego (and the rest of the world) has been experiencing high positive energies and also high negative energies associated with the COVID-19. Consider making a energy change: See yourself going to the center of your inner being/core to begin generating positive energy for the welfare of humanity. It takes just a few minutes every day, and it will generate a positive change not only in the world, but in yourself. Use it as a call to action to connect with the world and everyone: family, individuals, CEO’s, retired peoples, etc.
Additionally, you might want to also use this as an opportunity to draw back and rewrite the next phase of your existence.
The Alexandra Institute is committed to doing our part in observing the health, safety, and support of our customers and our staff. We are open six days a week with readings and classes. We are also having a Psychic Fair on Saturday and Sunday, September 5th and September 6th, with mini-readings and free lecture! Call us at (619) 298-3422 or look at your next e-mail.

Dear Friend,
These last few months have been - and continues to be - very challenging for everyone. Need a pep talk now? You're likely to find one - in of all places: the Alexandra Institute, which has come up with assistance to help you meet your next challenges!
Take a look...
Rainbow Obsidian: Nostradamus used this to forecast some of his predictions. It also helps to soften and ease the effects of fear and disrupt negative emotions. Additionally, it clears emotional trauma wounds (in other words, gets you out of the dark corners). It is very protective and grounding, and assists in bringing love, joy, and light into our life. It is associated with the Root and First Chakra.
Agate: It has long inspired humankind because it enhances mental functions, improves concentration, perception, and analytical activities. It also stabilizes our aura while eliminating and transforming negativity. It can expand our strength, courage, confidence and gives us supportive energy for spiritual growth. It also can create a sense of security and safety. Agate is also associated with our Root or First Chakra, and our Solar Plexus or Fourth Chakra.
So, why am I mentioning the above? Because their energies can help us in our various stages and occasions. Therefore, for the dates of Friday, May 22 through and including May 25 (Memorial Day), from 12:30 to 6:00 pm you may come down and pick one of these Crystals* for FREE! And when you get it home, all you have to do is cleanse it under a water facet or use your breath and then gaze into it whatever you want to experience: courage, security, love, light, etc. Only one request at a time. If you wear it, it's better on the left side of your body; put it under your pillow; or meditate with it; or put it on one of your chakras, etc. After a few days you should notice a remarkable change in your sense.
At the office of the Alexandra Institute, we are observing all the present safety protocols, and we expect you to do also. If you prefer roadside services, first give us a call at (619) 298-3422, any time between 12:30 pm through 6:00 pm Friday, May 22 through Monday, May 25. And let me know your crystal preference: AGATE or RAINBOW OBSIDIAN.
Wishing you safety and good health!
With warmest personal regards,
March 29, 2020
Dear Friend,
You may have said to yourself as you're reacting to the challenges, struggles, and financial messes that Mercury must still be in Retrograde. Nope...and quit blaming Mercury Retrograde for every problem in your life. Mercury completely came out of Retrograde on Tuesday, March 10.
So, what's happening? Well, it concerns the astrological energies of a Saturn-Pluto Conjunction at 22 degrees in Capricorn. An explanation: the planet Saturn (♄) is all about justice, the deals we make, karma, and being scared. Some astrologers have called this a "New Era" in our lives.
The Planet Pluto (♇) is a great revealer, creative destruction, letting go, taking the time to try to correct your weaknesses into strength, while letting go of what is no longer useful, and the death of things in your life that are no longer useful.
The astrological sign of Capricorn (♑), which has been called the "workaholic" of the zodiac, conservative, success-obsessed, the sign of masculinity, cool dry qualities, natural urges toward practicality, and structural foundations and boundaries.
So, this conjunction will have major efforts throughout the world primarily in some of these areas:
- Shake up in economics with financial overhauls
- Government internet shutdowns
- Tightened regulation in pharmaceuticals
- Bring hidden threats to light
- Air travel restrictions
- Government political boundaries
- and many other areas
You can expect this conjunction to affect your values, self-esteem, possession, or money. While not going broke, you may have to get by with less money. You may unchainyourself from the constraints or status quo of our society. This event will definitely change you and your thoughts for the rest of your life. Age is not a factor and it is going to affect ALL groups.
Some of my clients express negative thoughts about these times. Remember, what you think, you attract! So control your thinking; if you're fearful, tell it to go away and turn your fears into courage and calmness. Depressed - change your thinking to hopeful, optimistic. Negative - change your thinking to forward-looking. scared - change your thinking to assured and fearless. You must have the intention or commitment to let go of your negative thinking and feelings and embrace what will make you feel brave, assured, and confident. And, because this situation is not permanent, start planning on what you will want to experience when it is over.
I have looked into this Saturn + Pluto in conjunction in Capricorn and feel:
- The bulk of the problems we are having will leave in May.
- Air travel will start mostly normal schedules in July.
- Our economy will come back in November
I truly hope this is helpful to you. Although I am not keeping a regular office schedule, I will answer any questions or comments that you leave at (619) 298-3422.
With warmest personal regards,
P.S. - "Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not. It is only after you have faced up to this fundamental rule and learned to distinguished between what you can and can't control that inner and outer effectiveness become possible."
-Epictetus, Greek Philosopher c. 55-135 AD.

Dear Friend,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones during these uncertain times.
Due to the world-wide situation, the Alexandra Institute will be sporadically open. For everyone's safety, we can provide you with clean gloves, and hand sanitizers. Please call us at (619) 298-3422 to determine when you want to come in.
And if you are interested in a reading, we will be happy to assist you at the same price as if you were here in person. That way you do not have to leave your home/place of safety. You must make an appointment, so leave your name, telephone number, and when you want the reading.
Thank you for your continued support in these uncertain times, which we will manage through this time together.
With Warmest Personal Regard,
Welcome to the Alexandra Institute On-line Store!
Please browse through our store and get a feel for what we have to offer.Our store is set up in a secure environment, and we process all orders within one business day.Please contact our store anytime for assistance at (619) 298-3422 from noon to 6:00 p.m. PST, six days a week (we are closed on Mondays).
We are unable to add all of our treasures to our website, but if there is something specific that you're looking for, send us an e-mail and we will try our best to find it for you!
If you've been in our San Diego store, you're already familiar with the warm, genuine atmosphere and friendly ambiance. This is the perfect time of the year to stop by and say hello if you are in the neighborhood. Alexandra's BookStore is a soothing, relaxing place to collect your thoughts, browse, or pick up some unusual gift or a personal interpretation.We also have many special and unusual gifts for birthdays and other special occasions: gift certificates, cards, candles, crystals, incense, jewelry, tapes of all kinds, CD's, DVD's, and of course a wide selection of books.We are happy to wrap your gift for that special person.
We also have a FREE Metaphysical Lending Library (supported by donations) and pendulums for personal use. We look forward to seeing, or hearing, from you soon.

Leading Center for Psychic Arts and Unique Gifts
We are especially pleased to feature the latest best-selling books, handmade creations by local spiritual artisans, unique gifts, jewelry, candles, oils, incense, crystals, CD's, and much more.
Alexandra Andrews has been chosen as one of the Top 10 Psychics San Diego:Each San Diego Psychic listed on the Top 10 has been hand-picked for the quality of their psychic readings, their reliability and customer satisfaction. Top 10 Psychic San Diego is provided as a free service to the San Diego Psychic and Metaphysical Community intended to connect you, the consumer, with a ProfessionalSan Diego Psychic you can feel good about.